© DEEB 2000

26.2 Mile Run
Note: click pics to enlarge them.

The Start.
Notice how light it still was when this picture was taken. This is from the start of the run, just after getting off the bike. At this point, I felt GREAT. I couldn't believe how fresh my legs felt after 112 on the bike. I went out hard and kept my pace throughout the first half. The plan was to shoot for 8:30 to 9:00 minute miles on average. I wanted to run 8:00 miles between water stops, which were every mile, then take 30 seconds to 1 minute at each stop to walk and drink. As I neared the end of the first 13.1 mile loop, the plan was still working and I was on pace for a sub 4 hour marathon, but alas the night was young...

The Middle.
So I finished the first half in 1 hour 53 minutes, a (blistering) pace of 8:38 per mile and I still felt great. I did the next 7 miles at an 8:25 pace and I thought I was on pace for about a 3:55 marathon at this point. Then I hit the 20 mile mark and got a bad cramp in my left side. My legs felt great, but the pain in my side was just too much so I decided to walk for a bit and see if it loosened up. I started walking with a guy named Christian, a school teacher from San Antonio, TX - he was hurting, too. Every once in a while, we would try to run but it hurt too much. We agreed that we would walk together to the 25 mile mark, then run the last mile together and finish strong...

The Finish.
Christian and I sprinted to the end - it hurt like crazy but it felt great to cross that finish line. I have absolutely no regrets about the slower end of the run. The entire experience was amazing and I still finished well within the 17 hour limit. The big question is when is my next one. Well, that's for me to know and you to find out. :)